Getting Personal in Business Planning

It’s not uncommon to hear the phrase “Don’t take it personally” in terms of business decisions. But when you own a business, it’s difficult—if not impossible—to not take business decisions personally. After all, it’s likely that you, your family, and others you care about rely on your business to maintain or their lifestyles or their […]

Business Continuity: Is Your Business Built on Sand or Stone?

 The strongest businesses often have written plans for how to address unexpected events and mitigate risk, known as business continuity instructions. Their owners ask questions like, “What happens if a co-owner or I die?” “How do we protect key employees from competitors?” and “How do we address interruptions in our supply chain?” Here are three […]

Why Specific Goals Should Also Be Fuzzy

A longstanding credo for successful business planning is to make specific goals. However, there is such a thing as being overly specific in your goals to the detriment of other things that matter to you. Let’s look at how adding fuzziness to specific goals can make your business planning strategies more fulfilling.

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